Sophie x Toro

Lovely new homes

The babies have all gone! The two girls have gone to Nicole, Brian, Jared and and Frenchie boy Koki and the big boy to Moire and Chuckie. We're so happy to have found our babies such great homes. Thank you!

Such big kids!

Almost ten weeks old and they are so much fun. Playful and silly, it sometimes seems like they're trying to make themselves laugh.

Road Trip

Eight weeks old and doing great! Kirsten took the babies up to Guemes and they had a lovely time meeting new people and playing outside.

Seven weeks old

And it has been busy! Time for a nap? Maybe not.
Here are the girls...

first cookies

The babies are 6 weeks old today and loved their first cookies (and a finger and some jeans, too.)

More ears up!

The cream girl is looking good, still waiting on ears from the big man (bottom right).

Real food for the first time

The pied girl loves it! She can't get enough, while the two creams think, eh, this might work...

But mmmmm, Mama is the best.

Five weeks old and looking wonderful!

(and thanks, as always, to Dale and Rick of Tahoma for all of their help and advice.)
Here's the big cream boy...

And the lovely cream girl...

And the pretty pied girl (1st one with her ears up!)...

Four week old portraits

Here is the cream girl, then the pied girl and the big boy. Everyone is doing great, more character every day, and they're just learning how to give kisses...

Three+ weeks

Everyone is doing wonderfully, maturing and moving around more and more!! (big man, cream girl, pied girl)

Two week old portraits

Almost two weeks old and everyone's eyes are open. They were a little worried about being away from their mom for the pictures and a little sleepy, but they're responding more and more to voices and doing great, eating like little piggies!
The cream girl weighs 1 lb, 8 oz. She's the darker of the creams with more pigment.

The cream boy weighs 1 lb, 10 oz. He has always been the biggest puppy.

The pied girl weighs 1 lb, 6 oz. She'll have face pigment like her mom.

Lovey little wormies!

Almost a week old and no one's missing any meals... (cream boy, cream girl, pied girl)

Lots of milk!

Two-day old faces: cream girl, cream boy, pied girl...

New babies

Puppies nursing right after the c-section.

The puppies were born Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 7:30 am.

The parents

Sophie (Tidewater's Darling Sophia) was bred to Toro ((Am/Can Ch. Tahoma's Ombra del Toro).